The Stragglers

Straggle : verb (used without object), strag·gled, strag·gling.
– to stray from the road, course, or line of march.
– to wander about in a scattered fashion; ramble.
– to spread or be spread in a scattered fashion or at irregular intervals: The trees straggle over the countryside.
The Stragglers is a collection a tracks that are completely self produced, written and finished with no real project to call home or attach themselves to. Ideas that stood out alone, capturing and mostly expressing a comedic, shock value seeking side of my personality. Using exaggerated witty lyrical content coupled with wildly strange sampled beats to paint a mocked picture of my life in London during 2009 – 2016.
Some of these tracks also express a variety of deep routed emotional and psychological issues from both myself and the people around me. Spanning over the last 10 years with a clear depiction of the quality of production level and how it has developed.
Real Love
Nice and Slow
Looney Tunes
In Your Arms
Garter Belt
Drug to her
Doing Kermit
Change Me